Backported improvements (2.99.10) for importing clipping layers.Backported improvement (2.99.10) for importing layers with clipping set (leading to color bleeding).Useless physical unit conversion removed.Default TIFF export format is "normal" TIFF, not BigTIFF (making it default was definitely an error in 2.10.32).We use a heuristic for the default value of said option (trying to guess if it's a thumbnail by using common usage), but final decision is now up to one knowing the image you load (backported from 2.99.14) Loading "reduced" image or not is now an option.Do not generated warnings for incorrect RichTIFFIPTC tags produced by Adobe products (only output a message to stderr, for not completely ignoring these).Better check for invalid resolutions on import.File-raw: added high bit depth precision export (partial backport from 2.99.12)."Lock path strokes" tooltip for the dockable icon was renamed "Lock path".Revert color proofing behavior changed in 2.10.32 which resulted in inconsistent past workflows.Eye icon header added to the item tree views to make it more obvious where to click for item visibility and links (backported from 2.99.10).Color scale preferences (0.255/0.100 and LCh/HSV settings in Colors selection dialogs) are now remembered across sessions.Template selector (backported from 2.99.6) in resize dialog."Canvas Size" dialog took too much vertical space and now better uses the horizontal space by moving the preview and offset fiels to the right side, and the "Center" button just below (backported from 2.99.8).Other features using dbus (opening files or running batch commands from a separate GIMP process) won't work, but they probably never did on macOS anyway. from file browsers) still work fine as it uses a different code path on macOS. DBus fully disabled on macOS (in some case, it could even freeze GIMP process when dbus is present yet not responding).Symmetry dockable contents is now shown, yet deactivated, when no images are opened, improving discoverability (backported from 2.99.14).Update help IDs for better integration with the documentation website.Check for updates now works on macOS (backported from 2.99.14).